SESAME Filière

SESAME Filière

Call for projects from the Ile-de-France Region for the structuring of strategic Ile-de-France sectors and the development of technological platforms open to SMEs/ETIs, the AAP SESAME Sectors finances projects which must fall within the Areas of Major Interest...
Innovation competition: i-PhD

Innovation competition: i-PhD

To meet the great challenge of doubling the number of Deeptech startups in France, the government in partnership with Bpifrance has launched the i-PhD competition, as part of the Deeptech Plan. It aims to reward young researchers with entrepreneurial projects...
Congrès France Bioproduction: attend for free

Congrès France Bioproduction: attend for free

The 7th edition of the France Bioproduction Congress will be held on April 5&6 2023 in Tours. This conference is co-organised by Polepharma and Medicen Paris Région, and last year it gathered 450 protagonists from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies....