BioConvS on Mediscope 2023

BioConvS on Mediscope 2023

Medicen is a French competitiveness cluster dedicated to advancing innovation and collaboration in healthcare and life sciences industries, and one of BioConvS’ most prominent partners. In their annual review, Mediscope, coordinators Amanda Silva Brun and Ariel...
Fête de la science 2023

Fête de la science 2023

October 12, 2023 – Sorbonne Université – Village des Sciences Inspiring the Scientists of Tomorrow: DIM BioConvS at Sorbonne’s Village des Sciences Last week in Paris, the City of Light became a beacon of knowledge and curiosity as it hosted the...
[closed] Equipment call 2023 II

[closed] Equipment call 2023 II

–This call is now closed– Deadline extended! This DIM BioconvS equipment AAP is now open from October 9, 2023 to March 5, 2024 and devotes a total budget of €675,000 to finance the purchase of equipment. The call will finance exlusively academic labs...
Accelerating innovation

Accelerating innovation

Empowering young scientists in Biotherapy, Bioproduction and Synthetic Biology Amanda Silva Brun is CNRS Director of Research at the Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (UMR 7057) of Université Paris Cité and winner of the 2021 CNRS innovation medal. She is...
BioConvS at the Double•Science Festival

BioConvS at the Double•Science Festival

The first edition of the Double•Science festival took place from May 26th to May 28th, 2023, at Ground Control (Paris 75012). The Café des Sciences, L’Exploratoire, and the French Society of Physics were the co-organizers of this first edition of the festival....