Apply to Genopole’s Shaker program

Apply to Genopole’s Shaker program

Do you have an innovating project to develop in a startup? Do you need help in developing your proof of concept, or in creating your startup? Do you want to receive dedicated scientific and business training? Then you might want to apply to the 13th edition of...
Logements pour chercheurs étrangers à la CIUP

Logements pour chercheurs étrangers à la CIUP

La Région Ile-de-France a financé la construction de la Maison de l’Ile-de-France (Maison IDF) qui a ouvert ses portes en septembre 2017 au sein de la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. C’est un lieu unique de brassage culturel au cœur de Paris composé de 40...
BioConvS at the Festival Double Science

BioConvS at the Festival Double Science

Double•Science is the festival of science popularisation, where citizens celebrate, share and contribute to knowledge. Its aim is to encourage the conception of science as a two-ways discussion (“double-sens” in French translates to “two-ways”)...
Help develop our digital platform!

Help develop our digital platform!

Dear members of the BioConvS project, As you may know, the BioConvS project includes an enveloppe to provide you with a digital platform that should help the BioConvS members flourish by providing you a better overview of members and projects, and help...