Attend the Congrès France Bioproduction 2024 with BioConvS
The 8th edition of the Congrès France Bioproduction will be held on April 3rd and 4th, 2024, at the Palais des Congrès de Paris-Saclay in Massy. The location of this year’s event in Ile-de-France is a great opportunity for members of our community to attend; we’re...
[closed] Our 2024 PhD fellowships call is now open
--This call is now closed-- The DIM BioConvS is pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 PhD Fellowships call. This call aims to fund four PhD grants for students working in academic labs within Ile-de-France that are members of BioConvS. Academic labs interested...
Seminar: “Le boom des CAR-T cells”
On December 14th, 2023, BioConvS and the Société pour l'Encouragement de l'Industrie Nationale co-organised a conference on biotherapy at the Hotel de l'Industrie, in the heart of Paris. This was our first event of a series of networking opportunities between the...
Pint of Science
The Labex Who Am I?, the DIM BioConvS, the EUR G.E.N.E, and the Faculté des Sciences of Université de Paris join forces to organize events during the next edition of the Pint of Science 2024 festival on May 13th to 15th 2024. Do...
Paroles de Chercheuses et Chercheurs
La Région Île-de-France invite les chercheurs affiliés aux DIMs, dont BioConvS, à participer à un programme de divulgation dans les écoles. Retrouvez toute l'information dans l'infographie ci-dessous et sur le site web de la Région! Learn more Register...
BioConvS would like to share with its network the initiative Declics, organised by Cercle FSER. Info below in French and English. Quel que soit votre métier ou votre discipline, si vous travaillez dans la recherche… Les élèves ont envie de vous rencontrer : participez...
Innovation Day
The first annual symposium of the DIM BioConvS was held on November 14th, 2023 at the Conseil Régional d'Ile-de-France. More than 200 participants attended the event and its vibrant poster session and workshops. Discover the talks, the gallery of the event and the...
Biothérapies et Bioproduction : Innover Ensemble
Renforcer les liens entre recherche publique et entreprise pour favoriser l’innovation dans le domaine des biotechnologies et santé Pourquoi renforcer les liens ? La France est en mesure de jouer un rôle de premier plan en matière d’innovation santé dans...
BioConvS on Mediscope 2023
Medicen is a French competitiveness cluster dedicated to advancing innovation and collaboration in healthcare and life sciences industries, and one of BioConvS' most prominent partners. In their annual review, Mediscope, coordinators Amanda Silva Brun and Ariel...
Fête de la science 2023
October 12, 2023 - Sorbonne Université - Village des Sciences Inspiring the Scientists of Tomorrow: DIM BioConvS at Sorbonne's Village des Sciences Last week in Paris, the City of Light became a beacon of knowledge and curiosity...
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DIM BioConvS
Faculté des Sciences - Université Paris Cité
5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris
Consult our data protection policy
DIM BioConvS
Faculté des Sciences - Université Paris Cité
5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris